What are my purchasing options for properties listed on your site?

As with any properties, there are many ways to begin your project. Many times, buyers do not have the means to pay strictly out of pocket but that does not mean you cannot still pursue your ideal property! Here at VivaBank we offer several avenues for our buyers:
1. Hard Money Lenders: These lenders are often far less concerned about your income and credit than the property itself. Hard money lenders look closely at the price you’re purchasing the property for, the cost of the remodel, and the potential end profit based on how your finished property will compare to comps in the area. A few things to keep in mind here: first, the lower the price you can get the property for, the better chance you have at getting a Hard Money Lender on board so make sure to do your research and come to the seller with a strong proposal. Additionally, try and estimate your costs as realistically as possible, rather than more optimistically; the lenders will often do their own estimates in addition to looking at yours.
2. Private Money: Private money lenders are often far less strict in terms of criteria than Hard Money lenders. These lenders are still mainly concerned about the value of the property though have less or in some cases no predetermined interest rates, loan terms, or other various criteria. Since private money lenders often work on a per-deal basis, this leaves you a lot of room for negotiation. Private money lenders are also ideal if you are looking to borrow a greater amount, many times up to 100% of what you need for the purchase and renovation of a property. Again, come prepared and choose homes priced as below-market value as possible for the best terms.
3. Partnerships: Bring in a partner! Often times our customers find it is easier to bring in partners than they initially think. The situation is always a win-win. While you are responsible for finding the property and taking care of the planning and remodel, your partner brings the money to the table and profits are split how ever you agree. It usually only takes the success of one property to make a lasting partnership! 

If all these deals are so great, why do investors not complete the projects themselves?

Many times the investors we work with have more than one property on hand at a time. Thus, while they’re attention is placed on certain properties, others remain in their portfolio untouched. Rather than letting these homes sit, possibly accumulating costs and taking finances they could use elsewhere, they wholesale them to us. This way they can remain focused on the homes they are working on, while freeing up funds and letting us take some of their properties off their hands. 

How accurate are the figures given for each property listed (i.e. cost of renovations, resale value)?

The easiest way for us to answer this questions is with the suggestion that you always run your own numbers when considering the purchase of a property. We recommend this for many reasons: first, sometimes sellers simply exaggerate their figures. Although we would like to think all information provided by sellers are always completely accurate, we know this is not always the case. Many times sellers provide accurate costs for renovations that they would be able to conduct. Given that not everyone has the same access to the certain contractors, suppliers, and deals in general, inaccuracies may only be so given a sellers position. 

What sets our site apart from others?

Many things. Our primary goal though is to centralize. Many sites offer excellent properties in specific areas. What we aim to do is curate these properties from all across the nation and bring them to one, easy to navigate site. This way, our clients are able to search for properties in multiple ways. If your scope is national, view all of our properties at once and filter them by criteria that matters most to you: initial cost, cost of renovations, estimated profit, etc. If area is a concern to you, begin with that. View properties in a specific state or particular city, and then browse through available listings to find one that fits your needs. In any case, we bring the best properties to you in one location which ultimately saves you your most valuable resource: your time.

What kind of criteria do I need to begin investing in real estate?

Our site is made to help all investors from seasoned professionals to novice buyers that are just getting into their first property. Whichever category you fall into, we often notice that vision and research are significant keys. Take a look at our properties, and choose a property that appeals to your needs, wants, and abilities. We’re here to help with tips from experienced investors, insight from previous success stories, and much more. 

What should I consider before getting involved in a property?

The most important thing to do before you even begin looking at properties is to lay out your current abilities. What is your budget? Remember, you’re not only purchasing the property, but also all materials and labour needed to complete the project as well as any closing costs and fees that may come when both buying and selling the property. Are you able to work a property anywhere across the country or does your situation make it wiser for you to choose a property in a specific state or city? What kind of time commitment can you give? While these questions are a good start, we always advise our clients to place themselves in the investment process and lay out a step-by-step plan that includes all costs (both financial and time) that you might face from the beginning of your search to the sale post-renovations.